"Las Promotoras Against Sexual Assault" is a documentary film that follows a dedicated group, predominantly comprised of women, including myself, as we work tirelessly in Boyle Heights and East Los Angeles to combat sexual assault. The film chronicles our efforts and challenges during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Each member of the Promotoras has overcome the trauma of sexual assault or domestic violence, an experience that fuels their commitment to supporting others in their communities.
Las Promotoras Against Sexual Assault is a part of the CA Creative Corps, which is generously supported by the California Arts Council and administered by Community Partners.
(the word Promotoras have various translations, including "peer to peer," and "community health workers."
Las Promotoras Against by Juan Escobedo
Las Promotoras Against by Juan Escobedo
Las Promotoras Against by Juan Escobedo
Las Promotoras Against by Juan Escobedo
Las Promotoras Against by Juan Escobedo
Las Promotoras Against by Juan Escobedo
Las Promotoras Against by Juan Escobedo
Las Promotoras Against by Juan Escobedo
Las Promotoras Against by Juan Escobedo
Las Promotoras Against by Juan Escobedo
Las Promotoras Against by Juan Escobedo
Las Promotoras Against by Juan Escobedo
Art work by Steven Correa
Film and Photos by Juan Escobedo
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